Suffering at work: who to call in case of psychological distress?

Faced with suffering at work or psychological distress, employees have difficulty finding their way around. This article informs you about the causes of unhappiness at work and advises you on who to call.

Suffering at work: what is it?

Suffering at work refers to mental suffering. This suffering is defined as a psychological distress or a malaise. It is a state that worsens over time and gradually leads to depression, post-traumatic stress and even suicide. This form of psychological distress is due to the numerous working conditions. The demands and stress generated by work represent psychosocial risks. The higher the pressures, the more the braid increases. As a result, there is a need for increased control, vigilance and competence. All these efforts only increase frustration, anxiety and loss of control. A perception of imbalance can also be the cause of suffering at work. This problem arises when you realize that you are working too hard for your salary. This perception has a negative impact on your mental health and safety. 

A consultation with an occupational physician

If you have all these feelings in the context of your work, consulting an occupational physician is the first solution. In addition to systematic visits, an employee can consult an occupational physician on request in case of suffering at work. An occupational physician has the appropriate skills to diagnose work-related malaise and psychosocial risks that affect health. He has the ability to put an employee on leave if necessary. In the case of a stoppage, the doctor prescribes treatment and carries out psychotherapeutic follow-up to monitor the improvement of your condition. He or she may also recommend that the employer review the employee's position or conditions for a better situation.

The authors to consult within the company: the staff representatives

Talking about suffering at work to the staff representatives is also a solution. By exposing your problem to them, they will be able to take a special look at your case. They have the possibility to improve your circumstances or to give you advice for a better health at work. With the help of the occupational physician or by your own motivation, you can also address the employee representatives. By means of a written request, it is possible to explain to them the psychosocial risks that employees are facing. Thanks to this approach, actions can be taken.
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